The Aktor

Episodic Series

A first-of-its-kind episodic documentary series in which the world is seen through the eyes of a visionary, Gunnar Ryan Wiik. The episodic narrative mirrors Wiik’s true life ‘Adventures in the Screen Trade’ and the obstacles he encounters along with a cast of colorful Hollywood characters and personalities.


Set on a global stage, with Hollywood’s entertainment industry, as backdrop, this entrepreneurial business thriller is an all-in journey to win-it-all honestly and without compromising Wiik’s moral integrity. The narrative follows Wiik who is determined to succeed in executing his grand vision of producing first rate cinema and still emerge with his passion and integrity intact. Till the end, it becomes an insider’s view as to how and why bad movies get produced and good movies do not.





All content © AKTOR AG, 2021. All rights reserved.